Advocating for Women's Equality in the Church

The Junia Project Blog

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    Biblical Equality, Personal Stories

    Becoming an Egalitarian in Greek Class

    Meredith Miller

    You're in for a treat today as Junia Project blogger Meredith and her husband Curtis share the story of how he came to…

    Biblical Equality, Personal Stories, Women and the Church

    Fierce and Feminine

    Cayla Pruett

    Fierce and feminine. Despite widespread perception, deeply embedded associations and centuries of conditioning, these two words are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they are…

    "Notorious" Passages, Women and the Bible

    Defusing the 1 Timothy 2:12 Bomb

    Gail Wallace

    A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she…

    Personal Stories, Women and the Bible

    Dancing with Deborah: My Exodus from Patriarchy to The Liberation of Women

    Nick Quient

    By some miracle or curse, the issue of women's equality avoided me throughout high school and managed to sneak by during most of…

    Biblical Equality, Women and the Church

    How to Preach to Women

    Karina Kreminski

    Here are some things to take into account as we think about the question “What are some things to keep in mind when…

    Biblical Equality

    Response to a Complementarian View of Women

    Bob Edwards

    Every few weeks we get a comment protesting that the claims we make about the complementarian view are not what most complementarians believe,…

    Women and the Bible

    Mary of Nazareth: An Advent Reflection

    Rachel Evans

    Perhaps the most revealing glimpse into Mary’s true character can be found in the Magnificat…a bold and subversive prayer that reveals her own…

    Women and the Bible

    The Women of Advent: Bathsheba

    Ariel Curry

    Like the other women of advent, Bathsheba also has a troubled past. And Bathsheba also acts righteously, though it’s a story we don’t…

    Women and the Bible

    The Women of Advent: Ruth

    Gail Wallace

    What do you know about Ruth? She is named in the lineage of Jesus (one of King David's great great grandmothers). Her story…

    Women and the Church

    Gender Roles vs. Spiritual Roles in the Body of Christ

    Ruthie Johnson

    God points to our role and relationship in the Church being defined through a spiritual identity, not a biological one. Read…

    Personal Stories, Women and Relationships

    The Dance of Mutual Submission

    Jody Fernando

    When my babies were born, I fully intended to stay home full-time with them for a variety of reasons.  However, a year after…

    Women and the Bible

    The Women of Advent: Rahab

    Kate Wallace Nunneley

    Rahab is commonly referred to as "Rahab the Prostitute". This nickname limits our understanding of who she was. Rahab plays the savior to…

    Biblical Equality, Personal Stories

    Confessions of a Former Complementarian

    Bob Edwards

    “The church has not been kind to women.” That is perhaps the most profound understatement I have ever made about any subject in…

    Women and the Bible

    The Women of Advent: Tamar

    Gail Wallace

    Tamar passes from the scene, but her impact continues…the woman who transformed the history of the kingdom of Judah also transformed Judah himself…

    Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

    Footnoted: Was the Bible Written Only for Men? Part 2

    Rebecca Card-Hyatt

    In Part One Rebecca wrote about how the Greek word “adelphoi” has been intentionally translated as “brothers” rather than as “brothers and sisters”…

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