The Junia Project Blog


    "Notorious" Passages / Women and Relationships

    Using Peter and Paul Against Mary? Patriarchy and Slavery in New Testament Letters

    Steve Mann

    In the context of Ephesians 3, Colossians 3, and 1 Peter 2-3, instructions to wives and to slaves are inextricable from one another.…


    A Letter to Young Christian Feminists

    Cheryl Bridges Johns

    As young Christian feminists you join a company of women and men dedicated to the cause of moving beyond the Curse and its…

    Personal Stories / Women and the Church

    The Case of the Reluctant Feminist

    Jerri Dyer

    I don’t really like to identify myself as a feminist. I am - to borrow and slightly modify our priest’s description of herself…

    Women and the Church

    What the World Needs Now is Christian Feminism

    Karen Tatis

    Until recently, if I were to be asked if I was a feminist, my reply would have been a noncommittal, “Not really.” Of…

    Biblical Equality / Women and the Church

    3 Reasons to Be a Feminist

    Kim Hunt

    From the editor: We had so many wonderful submissions that we've extended our series of personal stories of Christian women who identify as…


    3 Third World Jesus Feminists You Should Know

    Jen Buck

    Today the average Christian looks like a poor Nigerian woman rather than a European well-educated male as in the past. In 2050, 72…

    Women and the Church

    Second Wave Feminism

    Kate Wallace Nunneley

    Welcome to the third installment of Feminist Friday! Today’s topic is second wave feminism. The revolutionary nature of second wave feminism is what…

    Women and the Church

    The Magic of Equality: Biblical Feminism

    Marissa Black

    It's Monday! Here's another personal story from a Christian who identifies in some way as a feminist. We hope that hearing these stories…

    Biblical Equality / Women and the Church

    Reflections on Faith, Feminism, & Identity

    Megan Pritchett

    Just over a year ago, I interviewed thirteen Christian women about their understandings of faith, gender, and feminism for my senior thesis sociology…

    Biblical Equality / Personal Stories / Women and the Church

    On Being a Jesus Feminist

    Beth Wartick

    From the editor: On Mondays this month we’re sharing personal stories of Christian women who identify in some way as feminists. We hope…

    Women and the Church

    Origins & First Wave Feminism

    Kate Wallace Nunneley

    Christians don't know very much about feminism. It's one of our "knowledge blind spots". This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, except that…

    Biblical Equality / Personal Stories

    Building Fences & Taking Sides

    Cayla Pruett

    I’m a big advocate for what I like to call “tension living.” If this life has taught me anything, particularly where faith is…


    Christian Feminism: Friend or Foe? Part 2

    Gail Wallace

    As we saw in the previous post, a recent article by Matt Walsh argued that feminism is unnecessary for Christians. Today I want…


    Christian Feminism: Friend or Foe? Part I

    Gail Wallace

    A recent article warned Christian women (and men, in parentheses) that “Feminism Is Not Your Friend” and addressed a twofold question: Do Christians…

    Women and the Church

    Really? You Listened to a Woman?

    Gail Wallace

    When my friend Melissa asked the discussion question, I wanted to shrink into the floor. “What do you need to confess?” she said.…

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