Advocating for Women's Equality in the Church

The Junia Project Blog

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    Personal Stories, Women and the Church

    If They Don’t Affirm You? Preach and Pastor Anyway

    Randi Shepherd

    –Pastor’s wife problems: Getting slapped on the behind after your husband’s sermon while the congregant calls out, “Good message from Kris today”.  Almost…

    Personal Stories, Women and the Church

    Giftedness vs. Gender Roles: A Personal Story

    Christi Rooke

    My siblings and I were setting the table when we heard an echo from the kitchen. “Honey, please put down that chain saw…

    Women and the Bible

    Jesus & the Women of the Gospels

    Julia Matallana-Freedman

    Sometimes I still believe the myths. You know, the soft rumblings of that devilish voice that says, “you don’t have much to offer…

    Personal Stories, Women and the Church

    Being Egalitarian in a Complementarian World

    Eva Burkholder

    As I listened to the pastor of my new church describe the insults and attacks he and the elders had endured after they…

    Women and the Church

    5 Ways to Support Emerging Women Leaders in the Church

    Alicia McClintic

    In church leadership, men occupy a position of default; women occupy a position of difference. When we open a Word doc on our…

    Personal Stories, Women and Relationships

    Submitting to Egalitarianism: One Couple’s Journey

    Tammi Kauffman

    I should have realized it long ago; I should have recognized the signs. But I didn’t. I suppose I was so lost in…

    Women and Relationships, Women and the Church

    How to Raise a Girl Today to be a Pastor Tomorrow

    Elizabeth Graham

    Shaping future pastors doesn’t begin with college, or even a call. It begins at birth. It begins with parents and church families who…

    Personal Stories

    Taking the Backseat of Christianity

    Sharon Klingemann

    I was a freshman in college and I believed that I needed to take the backseat of Christianity. I was headed to Columbia,…

    Personal Stories

    Becoming an Advocate for Women: One Man’s Journey

    Alex Evangelista

    Learning to be an advocate for women is difficult when you have to unlearn years of a complementarian mentality, male privilege and the…

    Personal Stories

    Who Really Cares about Male Headship?

    Tim Evans

    I recently had a conversation with a good friend. As we were talking, I shared some frustrations I had surrounding ways that many…

    Personal Stories

    How to Be Egalitarian with a Complementarian Spouse

    Halley Watson Kim

    How to Be Egalitarian with a Complementarian Spouse. Well you cry a lot, sometimes, especially in the beginning. You both get mad and…

    Personal Stories, Women and the Church

    If You Give a Woman a Bible…

    Laura Atwater

    "If You Give a Woman a Bible" is a Top 3 Winner for The Junia Project's 2017 blog contest. Laura Atwater cleverly uses…

    Personal Stories

    Supermodels, Businesswomen, and Apostles

    Becky Castle Miller

    This post is a Top 3 Winner for The Junia Project's 2017 blog contest. "It was an American supermodel who first showed me…

    Women and Relationships

    6 Ways to Know You’re Living Out an Egalitarian Marriage

    Robin Rhine McDonald

    In 2015, a few months before my wedding, I wrote a blog for the Junia Project titled, 6 Things Egalitarian Marriage is Not.…

    Personal Stories, Women and the Church

    A God Who Calls Women to Pastor

    Teanna Sunberg

    It is Friday afternoon and my 14-year old folds her tall frame into the passenger seat. “Mom, I am so angry.” Uh-oh. My…

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