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Personal Stories

Biblical Equality

"Notorious" Passages

Women and the Bible

Women and the Church

I didn’t go to church today. I didn't go to church because...my church is still asking “what should women be allowed to do?”…
The word “Complementarian” is a loaded word that immediately raises defenses. By way of explanation for those who are unfamiliar with the term,…
I am a woman I am not a sex object I am not an afterthought I am not a toy I am…
It seems that in many Christian communities being a “biblical man” or a “biblical woman” is just as high of a priority, if…
Patriarchy is an oppressive cultural norm with a history that predates Christianity. Fortunately, it is fading from our global community. Unfortunately, it persists…
100 years ago I could not have voted in the United States,” I told the pastor sitting across from me. “But I believe…
in Ephesians 5:24, Greek manuscripts of the New Testament frame male authority or the submission of wives to husbands not as command, but…
On The Junia Project, we talk a lot about the egalitarianism/complementarianism debate in various parts of life – Church, marriage, community, family –…
In my recent post on 1 Timothy 2:12, discussion about the word “authentein” (often translated as authority) was especially rich. Here are some…
In some churches, women are not even allowed to read the Bible from behind the pulpit, allegedly because the pulpit is a sign…
I recently came across information about the contributions of black women preachers in the 19th century to the quest for gender equality in…
I understand why the Church holds up the book of Job as the example of faith in the midst of pain and suffering…
A culture is built around the stories it tells. After telling my story of spiritual abuse and marginalization as a woman leader in…
The more I embrace being a pastor, the more I give the church the opportunity to experience both the masculine and feminine heart…
Is the doctrine of male authority in the church “God-ordained,” or does it have a more human origin? To answer this question, I’d…