Advocating for Women's Equality in the Church

The Junia Project Blog

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    Women and Relationships, Women and the Church

    Proverbs 18:22 & Male Entitlement in Dating

    Khristi Adams

    I used to hear this passage preached a lot at relationship conferences or those times when a pastor started a series on relationships…


    Women in Church Leadership: Not a Secondary Issue

    Paula Fether

    This week on the blog we're featuring the remaining posts from the runners-up in our fall Guest Blog Contest, with the exception of…

    Women and the Bible

    Rahab’s Role in Our Redemption

    Kelly Ladd Bishop

    The story of Jericho is a gruesome one. When the Israelites took the city they destroyed the inhabitants, men, women, children, and animals,…

    Women and the Bible

    The Women of Advent: Mary of Nazareth

    Roberta Mosier-Peterson

    Mary is intentionally chosen and given a grand task that includes, but also extends beyond, childbearing. Swiss theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar suggests…

    Personal Stories

    Women in Church Leadership: A Personal Story

    Janelle Saaybe

    I grew up with parents who loved God in a truly relational way. Church was important, I spent most days of the week…

    Biblical Equality, Women and the Church

    Why Women Matter: The Church as the Face of God

    Megan Wildhood

    Though there are probably as many conceptions of “primary issues” for the Church as there are churches, a typical list is easily constructed.…

    Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

    Mary Magdalene: 5 Things You Should Know

    Gail Wallace

    There is no evidence in the bible or church history to suggest that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute or the wife of Jesus.…

    Biblical Equality, Women and the Church

    What I Would Tell My 12-Year-Old Self About Gender Roles

    Andrea Heinrichs

    It wasn’t until I started attending a private Christian school as a 12-year-old that I became aware of the spectrum of views regarding…

    Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

    The Intervention of Zipporah: Protector of Moses

    Lydia Leigh

    One of the things I love about the Bible is that has so much to say about the ability and calling of women…

    "Notorious" Passages, Personal Stories, Women and the Bible

    The Proverbs 31 Woman and Me

    Hannah Helms

    I have a confession to make. I don’t have a problem with the Proverbs 31 Woman. One of the upsides to growing up…

    Women and the Church

    How to Walk Through a Door When a Woman Holds It Open

    Megan Pritchett

    We don’t know how to walk through a door when a woman holds it open. We’re so conditioned to receive teaching and leadership…

    Personal Stories

    They Gave Me a Box

    Kate Wallace Nunneley

    For when I offered them this voice that you had given me When I offered them these hands that you had strengthened When…

    Women and the Church

    Why We Need to Talk about Domestic Violence

    Gail Wallace

    October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and I hadn’t intended to write about it. Aside from helping a friend through a horrible situation…

    "Notorious" Passages, Personal Stories

    Overcoming Gender Discrimination in the Church: One Woman’s Story

    Bronwen Speedie

    I couldn’t study. I couldn’t think straight. I was distressed, overset with a spiritual crisis that rocked me to the core. Did God…

    Women and the Bible

    The Midwives vs. Pharaoh in Exodus: A Question of Power

    Craig Anderson

    One of our goals this year is to publish more content that enriches our understanding of women in the bible and their importance…

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