The Junia Project Blog


    Biblical Equality / Personal Stories

    Let My People Go: The Impact of Patriarchy in the Church

    Bob Edwards

    Patriarchy is an oppressive cultural norm with a history that predates Christianity. Fortunately, it is fading from our global community. Unfortunately, it persists…

    Biblical Equality

    When Women are Invisible in the Church

    Bob Edwards

    In some churches, women are not even allowed to read the Bible from behind the pulpit, allegedly because the pulpit is a sign…

    Biblical Equality / Women and the Church

    The Origins of Sexism in the Church

    Bob Edwards

    Is the doctrine of male authority in the church “God-ordained,” or does it have a more human origin? To answer this question, I’d…

    Biblical Equality / Women and the Church

    How to Preach to Women

    Karina Kreminski

    Here are some things to take into account as we think about the question “What are some things to keep in mind when…

    Biblical Equality

    Response to a Complementarian View of Women

    Bob Edwards

    Every few weeks we get a comment protesting that the claims we make about the complementarian view are not what most complementarians believe,…

    Biblical Equality / Personal Stories

    Confessions of a Former Complementarian

    Bob Edwards

    “The church has not been kind to women.” That is perhaps the most profound understatement I have ever made about any subject in…

    Biblical Equality / Women and Relationships

    Three Ways Patriarchy is Bad for Men

    Tim Peck

    Here are some of my thoughts about why patriarchy is bad for men, two related to the church and the last related to…

    Biblical Equality / Women and Relationships / Women and the Church

    The Incomplete Gospel of Biblical Womanhood

    Kate Wallace Nunneley

    I am a single Christian woman who is working to support myself. What does the complementarian message say to someone like me?”

    Biblical Equality

    Perception and Gender Roles

    Bob Edwards

    It's probably true that nobody disagrees that men and women are different. It's how these differences are perceived that becomes a potential source…

    Biblical Equality / Personal Stories

    5 Ways to Avoid Undermining Your Theology of Gender

    Tim Peck

    I was a complementarian for more than 20 years. I believed that women should not serve as church elders or senior pastors, that…

    Biblical Equality / Personal Stories

    No Middle Ground for Women in the Church

    Harriet Reed Congdon

    There was a time I tried to keep both a hierarchical view of authority in the church and a freedom for women to…

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