The Junia Project Blog


    Women and Relationships

    8 Ways to Rethink the Conversation About Singleness

    Karina Kreminski

      These days there is more emphasis on marriage and family than ever. My social media feeds are full of articles and posts…

    Women and Relationships

    Paul, Singleness, and Mutuality: 3 Proposals for the Church

    Nick Quient

    Something I’ve come to understand is that singleness is a high price to ask of people. I was single for a long time…

    Women and Relationships / Women and the Church

    Is Marriage a Ministry Qualification?

    Leslie Anneliz Moreno

    A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with a woman while at a social gathering. In the course of our conversation…

    Biblical Equality / Women and Relationships / Women and the Church

    6 Differing Views on Wedding Traditions

    Kate Wallace Nunneley

    I really don't like weddings. They're just not my thing. For the most part, I don't like attending them, I don't like being…

    Women and Relationships

    Questions About Egalitarian Dating

    Kate Wallace Nunneley

    On The Junia Project, we talk a lot about the egalitarianism/complementarianism debate in various parts of life – Church, marriage, community, family –…

    Biblical Equality / Women and Relationships / Women and the Church

    The Incomplete Gospel of Biblical Womanhood

    Kate Wallace Nunneley

    I am a single Christian woman who is working to support myself. What does the complementarian message say to someone like me?”

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