The Junia Project Blog

Eve in the Bible

    Biblical Equality / Women and the Bible / Women and the Church

    The Quick Start Guide to Equality in Genesis

    Hannah Thompson

    The creation accounts in Genesis are of utmost importance when discussing gender relations within the Church. “Creation order” is a foundational claim of…

    Women and the Bible

    5 Myths About Adam and Authority: What Really Happened in the Garden?

    Bob Edwards

    There are some distorted messages being taught about creation these days, in particular, that God designed men to be in authority and women…

    Biblical Equality

    Do Men Really Need to “Govern” Women?

    Bob Edwards

    “Governing,” according to this document, is exclusively a man’s role. This begs the question, if you are a complementarian man, why do you…

    "Notorious" Passages / Women and the Bible / Women and the Church

    Masters and Slaves, Husbands and Wives

    Bob Edwards

    Husband and wives or masters and slaves? Today’s theologians do not continue to justify racial slavery on the basis of Canaan’s curse, yet…

    Women and the Bible

    Does the Creation Account Support Women’s Submission?

    Gail Wallace

    Views on submission exist on a continuum, but generally speaking, egalitarians support mutual submission in marriage, and church leadership based on giftedness rather…

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    5 Pillars of Biblical Equality

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