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"Notorious" Passages, Personal Stories

Overcoming Gender Discrimination in the Church: One Woman’s Story

I couldn’t study. I couldn’t think straight. I was distressed, overset with a spiritual crisis that rocked me to the core. Did God…

Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

Were the Twelve Apostles all Male?

An argument often brought up in discussions about women in church leadership is that Jesus’ twelve apostles[1] were all male, and, because there…

Biblical Equality

Do Men Really Need to “Govern” Women?

“Governing,” according to this document, is exclusively a man’s role. This begs the question, if you are a complementarian man, why do you…

Women and the Church

6 Reasons to Include Women Elders on Your Church Board: Part 2

In the end, you see, it’s not about effectiveness, although adding women to your church board will certainly have an impact on that.…

Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

Lost In Translation: Phoebe, Servant or Minister?

Though inequality makes some of my complementarian friends uneasy, they hold fast to their beliefs nonetheless. They do this, some tell me, because…

Junia Project

Advocating for Women’s Equality in the Church. Women are often told they are “less than” in the Church, but we believe the Bible…

Women and the Church

The New Testament Case for Women Pastors

"There were zero women pastors in the Bible and no women apostles. There were no women pastors in nearly 2000 years of church…

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