The Junia Project Blog

Martin Luther

    Women and the Church

    Women in Church History: Footnoted and Forgotten?

    Michael Wiltshire

    Women have always played a crucial role in the establishment of the Christian church, but their contributions are often footnoted and forgotten. In…


    More Than Footnotes Part 3: Women in The Reformation Era

    Michael Wiltshire

    Part 3 in a series examining the role of women in different phases of Church history. See also Part 1 -Women in Early Christianity, Part 2 – Women…

    Biblical Equality / Women and the Church

    The Logic of Galatians 3:28

    Tim Peck

    Both egalitarians and complementarians try to grapple with Paul’s words in Galatians 3:28 in their own ways. However, sometimes we do not look…

    Women and the Bible

    Who “Killed” Junia? Part Two

    Patrick Mead

    When it comes to figuring out who killed Junia (as in, “removed her from the record and changed her name to male”) we…

    Women and the Bible / Women and the Church

    Who “Killed” Junia? Part One

    Patrick Mead

    When I first began wondering how to harmonize my church’s restrictions on women with some of the passages I found in scripture, I…

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