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"Notorious" Passages

Why 1 Timothy 2:8-15 Does Not Ban Women from Teaching & Having Authority in the Church

From the mailbox: "Just wanted to say thank you for your article on 1 Timothy 2. It was a great reference for me…

"Notorious" Passages

What Does It Mean for Women to Learn in Quietness and Submission? 1 Timothy 2:11

They are the verses of Scripture used most frequently to silence women in the church: 1 Timothy 2:11-12. I remember reading them as…

"Notorious" Passages, Biblical Equality, Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

5 Reasons to Stop Using 1 Timothy 2:12 Against Women

Hundreds of pages have been written on this chapter, with almost as many interpretations, proving this to be one of the least understood…

"Notorious" Passages, Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

1 Timothy 2: Paul’s Original Language, Timothy’s Original Context

Throughout history, the church has been characterized by a male-dominated social hierarchy. This worldview has been so pervasive that some even consider it…

Biblical Equality, Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

“But What About 1 Timothy 2:12?” Ten Talking Points

1 Timothy 2:12 continues to be an obstacle that prevents churches from moving toward a more robust theology of women. Read…

"Notorious" Passages, Women and the Church

Defusing the 1 Timothy 2:12 Bomb: What Does Paul Mean by Authority (Authentein)

In my recent post on 1 Timothy 2:12, discussion about the word “authentein” (often translated as authority) was especially rich. Here are some…

"Notorious" Passages, Women and the Bible

Defusing the 1 Timothy 2:12 Bomb

A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;[b] she…

"Notorious" Passages, Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

Lost In Translation: A Look at 1 Timothy 2:12-15

In Lost in Translation, Part 1, Bob showed that some words in the Bible are translated differently when they refer to women as…

Biblical Equality, Women and Relationships, Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

Wives and Husbands in 1 Peter: Who is the Weaker Vessel?

Certain passages in 1 Peter are sometimes used to support the idea of hierarchy in Christian marriage, but a closer look reveals that…

Biblical Equality, Women and the Church

What I Would Tell My 12-Year-Old Self About Gender Roles

It wasn’t until I started attending a private Christian school as a 12-year-old that I became aware of the spectrum of views regarding…

Biblical Equality, Women and the Church

The Logic of Galatians 3:28

Both egalitarians and complementarians try to grapple with Paul’s words in Galatians 3:28 in their own ways. However, sometimes we do not look…

Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

Footnoted: Was the Bible Written Only for Men? Part 2

In Part One Rebecca wrote about how the Greek word “adelphoi” has been intentionally translated as “brothers” rather than as “brothers and sisters”…

Women and the Church

6 Reasons to Include Women Elders on Your Church Board: Part 2

In the end, you see, it’s not about effectiveness, although adding women to your church board will certainly have an impact on that.…

Women and the Church

6 Reasons to Include Women Elders on Your Church Board: Part 1

Contrary to what you may have heard, egalitarians do NOT believe men and women are "the same". We are keenly aware of the…

"Notorious" Passages, Women and the Church

A Church You Would Want to Avoid

Reflecting on his contemporary Paul’s theological writings, the apostle Peter writes in 1 Peter 3:15-16: Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just…

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