The Junia Project Blog

male privilege

    Women and the Church

    12 Ways to Advocate for Women in Ministry

    Elizabeth Graham

    I am a part of a Christian tradition that has ordained women as elders since its inception during the American Holiness movement in…

    Women and the Church

    Can Men Be Pastors?

    Tim Ritter

    Can men be pastors? Can Christian men be teachers, preachers, elders, seminary professors, Sunday school teachers, worship leaders, small group leaders, police officers,…

    Women and the Church

    10 Ways Men Can Open Doors for Women in the Church

    Dawn Gentry

    No matter your church context – whether your church ordains women as ministers of the gospel, whether they involve women as preachers or…

    Personal Stories

    Becoming an Advocate for Women: One Man’s Journey

    Alex Evangelista

    Learning to be an advocate for women is difficult when you have to unlearn years of a complementarian mentality, male privilege and the…

    Biblical Equality

    Laying Down Male Privilege for Joy

    Rob Dixon

    Like most kids, our children love their candy. A relatively rare treat in our house, every piece of candy is something to be…

    Women and the Church

    10 Ways Male Privilege Shows Up in the Church

    Gail Wallace

    Part of a conversation overheard at Starbucks: “You’re a white American male with a college degree. The world is your oyster - don’t…

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