About this Resource:In The Lost Apostle award-winning journalist Rena Pederson investigates a little known subject in early Christian history—the life and times of the female apostle Junia.
In The Lost Apostle award-winning journalist Rena Pederson investigates a little known subject in early Christian history—the life and times of the female apostle Junia. Junia was an early convert and leading missionary whose story was “lost” when her name was masculinized to Junias in later centuries.
The Lost Apostle unfolds like a well-written detective story, presenting Pederson’s lively search for insight and information about a woman some say was the first female apostle.
By David Williams. A detailed critique of complementarian interpretations of Romans 16:7 that attempt to diminish Junia’s status as an apostle.
In The Lost Apostle award-winning journalist Rena Pederson investigates a little known subject in early Christian history—the life and times of the female apostle Junia.
Wright, N.T. (2005). Scripture and the Authority of God: How to Read the Bible Today. New York: Harper Collins.
Pierce, R. W., Groothius, R.M., & G.D. Fee. (2005) Discovering Biblical Equality: Complementarity without Hierarchy. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity. (New edition expected in 2021.)
Payne, P.B. (2009). Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul’s Letters. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.