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Personal Stories, Women and the Church

If You Give a Woman a Bible…

"If You Give a Woman a Bible" is a Top 3 Winner for The Junia Project's 2017 blog contest. Laura Atwater cleverly uses…

Personal Stories, Women and the Church

What I Learned about Being an Advocate for Women in Seminary

“The devil is among us here at our seminary: women are being told they can preach.” Those were the first words of a…

Home Testing

Advocating for Women’s Equality in the Church Women are often told they are “less than” in the Church, but we believe the Bible…

Personal Stories, Women and the Church

Moving from Complementarian to Egalitarian

I was 32 years old before I heard the word egalitarian. My universe was very small growing up. I, sort of, realized there…

Personal Stories, Women and the Church

Finding My Voice as a Woman in the Church

When I was 5 years old, I sang in my first church choir. My dad encouraged me to sing loud so he could…

Women and the Bible

Paul’s Egalitarian Reading of the Old Testament

For years I struggled with my relationship with the apostle Paul. On the one hand, as a teenager, I was completely taken with…

Biblical Equality, Women and the Church

Free A/V Resources on Biblical Gender Equality

Here are some free audio (A) and video (V) resources that present biblical gender equality (egalitarianism) in a clear, compelling way, have high…

"Notorious" Passages, Women and Relationships, Women and the Church

5 Myths of Male Headship

  I sat down across the table from her. We hadn’t seen each other in a while and I was excited to catch…

Personal Stories, Women and the Church

Why We Need More Women Pastors

The power of exposure and custom—and the lack thereof—etches deep marks in our inner beings. We associate pastoring with men because the pastors…

Women and the Church

The Magic of Equality: Biblical Feminism

It's Monday! Here's another personal story from a Christian who identifies in some way as a feminist. We hope that hearing these stories…

"Notorious" Passages, Personal Stories

Overcoming Gender Discrimination in the Church: One Woman’s Story

I couldn’t study. I couldn’t think straight. I was distressed, overset with a spiritual crisis that rocked me to the core. Did God…

Women and the Bible, Women and the Church

Were the Twelve Apostles all Male?

An argument often brought up in discussions about women in church leadership is that Jesus’ twelve apostles[1] were all male, and, because there…

Biblical Equality, Women and the Church

Two Paths to Affirming Women’s Ordination

With the Church of England’s recent vote to begin ordaining women as bishops, the issue of women’s ordination has once again been in…

"Notorious" Passages, Women and the Bible

Co-Leadership in Marriage: What about Headship?

Headship can often become a divisive issue in marriage discussions—especially in religious circles. Various “infallible” headship interpretations and accompanying dialogue could fill a…

Biblical Equality

Do Men Really Need to “Govern” Women?

“Governing,” according to this document, is exclusively a man’s role. This begs the question, if you are a complementarian man, why do you…

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7 Things Your Church Should Know about Biblical Equality

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